Nutrend 100% Whey Protein 2250g Dose (26,62€/Kg)

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Überblick Nutrend 100% Whey Protein

100% WHEY PROTEIN stellt eine Verbindung von erstklassigen Rohstoffen in einer ausbalancierten Kombination und neuen Produktionstechnologien dar. Deshalb wird in diesem Spitzenprodukt ein ideales Aminosäurespektrum mit hohem biologischen Wert bewahrt. Die Produktbasis besteht hier aus ultra-gefiltertem Molkenkonzentrat (WPC) der Premiumklasse und der reinsten Form von Molkenproteinisolat (WPI), das durch Cross-Flow Microfiltration Methode (CFM) hergestellt wird. Die CFM-Methode gewährleistet ein Minimum von denaturierten Proteinen und bewahrt alle biologisch aktiven Fraktionen des Proteins. Durch die Kombination von besten Zutaten in diesem Produkt bekommen Sie 23 Gramm erstklassiges Protein aus jeder Dosis und mehr als 5 Gramm verzweigtkettige Aminosäuren (BCAA) für Ihren Körper. Die außerordentliche Geschmacksvielfalt ist ein weiterer Vorteil dieses Produkts. 100% WHEY PROTEIN löst sich sehr einfach auf, und zum Mischen genügt der Mixbecher NUTREND. Eine ausreichende Aufnahme von hochwertigem Eiweiß trägt zur Erneuerung des Muskelgewebes und zum Muskelwachstum bei.
  • gluten-frei
  • 76% protein
  • 5000 mg BCAA in eine Dosis
  • ohne künstliche farbstoffe
Empfohlene Dosierung: eine Dosis = 30 g pro 140ml Wasser.


  • Pineapple + coconut
  • Banana + strawberry
  • White chocolate + coconut
  • Cookies&cream flavour
  • Chocolate brownies
  • Chocolate + cocoa flavour
  • Chocolate + coconut
  • Chocolate + hazelnut
  • Strawberry
  • Caramel latte
  • Kiwi + banana
  • Ice coffee
  • Mango + vanilla
  • Raspberry
  • Orange
  • Vanilla

Hinweis: Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, mit Zuckern und Süßungsmitteln. Besonders für Sportler geeignet. Ersetzt nicht die abwechslungsreiche Nährung. Nicht für Kinder, schwangere und stillende Frauen geeignet.  Trocken bei einer Temperatur bis 25 °C aufbewahren außerhalb von direkter Sonneneinstrahlung. Vor Frost schützen. Der Hersteller haftet nicht für die möglichen Schäden, die durch unsachgemäße Anwendung oder Lagerung entstehen könnten. Das Produkt enthält Allergene Laktose und Soja.


Pineapple + coconut flavour: 78 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 15,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides), colouring beta-carotene. May contain traces of soy.

Banana + strawberry flavour: 78 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 15,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), beetroot concentrate, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

White chocolate + coconut flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking calcium phosphate), 13,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Cookies&cream flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 14,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Chocolate brownies flavour: 65 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 24 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), cocoa, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), flavouring, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Chocolate + cocoa flavour: 65 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 24 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), cocoa, flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Chocolate + coconut flavour: 65 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 24 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), cocoa, flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Chocolate + hazelnut flavour: 65 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 24 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), cocoa, flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Strawberry flavour: 78 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 16 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), beetroot concentrate, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Caramel latte flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 13,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), colouring caramel, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Kiwi + banana flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 14 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), mixture of safflower concentrate and spirulina extract, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Ice coffee flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 13,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), colouring caramel, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Mango + vanilla flavour: 77 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 16 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides), colouring beta-carotene. May contain traces of soy.

Raspberry flavour: 78 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 15 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), beetroot concentrate, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides). May contain traces of soy.

Orange flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 14 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), flavouring, anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), beetroot concentrate, sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides), colouring beta-carotene. May contain traces of soy.

Vanilla flavour: 80 % whey protein concentrate (contains sunflower lecithin and anti-caking agent calcium phosphate), 13,5 % whey protein isolate (contains sunflower lecithin), flavouring, gluten-free wheat fibre, stabilizers (acacia gum, xanthan gum), anti-caking agent silicon dioxide, sodium chloride, mixture of digestive enzymes Digezyme® (amylase, protease, lactase, lipase, cellulase), sweeteners (sucralose, steviol-glycosides), colouring beta-carotene. May contain traces of soy.#



Flavours: chocolate brownies, chocolate + cocoa
100 g serving – 30 g
Energy value 1 556 kJ/368 kcal 467 kJ/110 kcal
Fat 4,9 g 1,5 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 3,1 g 0,9 g
Carbohydrate 7,2 g 2,2 g
   of which sugars 5 g 1,5 g
Fibre 3,5 g 1,1 g
Protein 72 g 21,6 g
Salt 1,6 g 0,5 g
Digestive enzymes 40 mg 12 mg
Typical amino acid spectrum:
L-Alanine 3 558 mg 1 068 mg
L-Arginine 1 660 mg 498 mg
L-Aspartic acid 7 706 mg 2 312 mg
L-Cysteine 1 642 mg 493 mg
L-Glutamic acid 12 736 mg 3 821 mg
Glycine 1 273 mg 382 mg
L-Histidine 1 313 mg 394 mg
L-Isoleucine** 4 382 mg 1 315 mg
L-Leucine** 7 446 mg 2 234 mg
L-Lysine* 6 576 mg 1 973 mg
L-Methionine* 1 563 mg 469 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 2 245 mg 673 mg
L-Proline 4 108 mg 1 232 mg
L-Serine 3 391 mg 1 017 mg
L-Threonine* 4 813 mg 1 444 mg
L-Tyrosine 2 022 mg 607 mg
L-Tryptophan* 1 228 mg 368 mg
L-Valine** 4 159 mg 1 248 mg
* EAA - essential amino acids
** BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
Measuring scoop content: cca 15 g
Dilution ratio: 30 g / 250 ml vody
Flavours: chocolate + coconut, chocolate + hazelnut
100 g serving – 30 g
Energy value 1 556 kJ/368 kcal 467 kJ/110 kcal
Fat 4,8 g 1,4 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 3 g 0,9 g
Carbohydrate 7,6 g 2,3 g
   of which sugars 5 g 1,5 g
Fibre 3,2 g 1 g
Protein 72 g 21,6 g
Salt 1,6 g 0,5 g
Digestive enzymes 40 mg 12 mg
Typical amino acid spectrum:
L-Alanine 3 558 mg 1 068 mg
L-Arginine 1 660 mg 498 mg
L-Aspartic acid 7 706 mg 2 312 mg
L-Cysteine 1 642 mg 493 mg
L-Glutamic acid 12 736 mg 3 821 mg
Glycine 1 273 mg 382 mg
L-Histidine 1 313 mg 394 mg
L-Isoleucine** 4 382 mg 1 315 mg
L-Leucine** 7 446 mg 2 234 mg
L-Lysine* 6 576 mg 1 973 mg
L-Methionine* 1 563 mg 469 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 2 245 mg 673 mg
L-Proline 4 108 mg 1 232 mg
L-Serine 3 391 mg 1 017 mg
L-Threonine* 4 813 mg 1 444 mg
L-Tyrosine 2 022 mg 607 mg
L-Tryptophan* 1 228 mg 368 mg
L-Valine** 4 159 mg 1 248 mg
* EAA - essential amino acids
** BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
Measuring scoop content: cca 15 g
Dilution ratio: 30 g / 250 ml of water
Flavours: caramel latte, ice coffee, pineapple + coconut, vanilla, banana + strawberry
100 g serving – 30 g
Energy value 1 581 kJ/374 kcal 474 kJ/112 kcal
Fat 5 g 1,5 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 3,2 g 1 g
Carbohydrate 8,4 g 2,5 g
   of which sugars 5,6 g 1,7 g
Fibre 1,5 g 0,45 g
Protein 73 g 21,9 g
Salt 1,8 g 0,5 g
Digestive enzymes 40 mg 12 mg
Typical amino acid spectrum:
L-Alanine 3 627 mg 1 088 mg
L-Arginine 1 680 mg 504 mg
L-Aspartic acid 7 817 mg 2 345 mg
L-Cysteine 1 693 mg 508 mg
L-Glutamic acid 12 907 mg 3 872 mg
Glycine 1 318 mg 395 mg
L-Histidine 1 357 mg 407 mg
L-Isoleucine** 4 459 mg 1 338 mg
L-Leucine** 7 602 mg 2 281 mg
L-Lysine* 6 715 mg 2 015 mg
L-Methionine* 1 585 mg 475 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 2 284 mg 685 mg
L-Proline 4 232 mg 1 270 mg
L-Serine 3 466 mg 1 040 mg
L-Threonine* 4 930 mg 1 479 mg
L-Tyrosine 2 069 mg 621 mg
L-Tryptophan* 1 264 mg 379 mg
L-Valine** 4 231 mg 1 269 mg
* EAA - essential amino acids
** BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
Measuring scoop content: cca 15 g
Dilution ratio: 30 g / 250 ml of water
Flavours: orange, strawberry, kiwi + banana, cookies&cream
100 g serving – 30 g
Energy value 1 572 kJ/372 kcal 472 kJ/111 kcal
Fat 5 g 1,5 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 3,2 g 1 g
Carbohydrate 7,9 g 2,4 g
   of which sugars 5,7 g 1,7 g
Fibre 1,5 g 0,45 g
Protein 73 g 21,9 g
Salt 1,8 g 0,5 g
Digestive enzymes 40 mg 12 mg
Typical amino acid spectrum:
L-Alanine 3 627 mg 1 088 mg
L-Arginine 1 680 mg 504 mg
L-Aspartic acid 7 817 mg 2 345 mg
L-Cysteine 1 693 mg 508 mg
L-Glutamic acid 12 907 mg 3 872 mg
Glycine 1 318 mg 395 mg
L-Histidine 1 357 mg 407 mg
L-Isoleucine** 4 459 mg 1 338 mg
L-Leucine** 7 602 mg 2 281 mg
L-Lysine* 6 715 mg 2 015 mg
L-Methionine* 1 585 mg 475 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 2 284 mg 685 mg
L-Proline 4 232 mg 1 270 mg
L-Serine 3 466 mg 1 040 mg
L-Threonine* 4 930 mg 1 479 mg
L-Tyrosine 2 069 mg 621 mg
L-Tryptophan* 1 264 mg 379 mg
L-Valine** 4 231 mg 1 269 mg
* EAA - essential amino acids
** BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
Measuring scoop content: cca 15 g
Dilution ratio: 30 g / 250 ml of water
Flavours: raspberry, white chocolate + coconut, mango + vanilla
100 g serving – 30 g
Energy value 1 583 kJ/374 kcal 475 kJ/112 kcal
Fat 5 g 1,5 g
   of which saturated fatty acids 3,2 g 1 g
Carbohydrate 8,5 g 2,6 g
   of which sugars 5,7 g 1,7 g
Fibre 1,5 g 0,45 g
Protein 73 g 21,9 g
Salt 1,8 g 0,5 g
Digestive enzymes 40 mg 12 mg
Typical amino acid spectrum:
L-Alanine 3 627 mg 1 088 mg
L-Arginine 1 680 mg 504 mg
L-Aspartic acid 7 817 mg 2 345 mg
L-Cysteine 1 693 mg 508 mg
L-Glutamic acid 12 907 mg 3 872 mg
Glycine 1 318 mg 395 mg
L-Histidine 1 357 mg 407 mg
L-Isoleucine** 4 459 mg 1 338 mg
L-Leucine** 7 602 mg 2 281 mg
L-Lysine* 6 715 mg 2 015 mg
L-Methionine* 1 585 mg 475 mg
L-Phenylalanine* 2 284 mg 685 mg
L-Proline 4 232 mg 1 270 mg
L-Serine 3 466 mg 1 040 mg
L-Threonine* 4 930 mg 1 479 mg
L-Tyrosine 2 069 mg 621 mg
L-Tryptophan* 1 264 mg 379 mg
L-Valine** 4 231 mg 1 269 mg
* EAA - essential amino acids
** BCAA - branched-chain amino acids
Measuring scoop content: cca 15 g
Dilution ratio: 30 g / 250 ml of water


Herstelleradresse: NUTREND D.S., a.s., Chválkovice 604, 779 00 Olomouc, Tschechien.

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Eiweiß / Proteine, Startseite